Welcome to Ms. Abusen's Teacher Page!
This site was designed for students and parents to have a link to me, and to our biology classroom materials.
Here you will find many of the resources needed for this year in biology. Check back often for updates.
Please navigate through the folders above to find the resources you will need. Brief descriptors of the folders are found below.
Weekly Outlines: Within the weekly outlines folder you will find Word Documents containing outlines for what we
will be doing each week.
These outlines will be posted Thursday nights, so that students have time to look them over for the week ahead.
They are designed so that if a student misses class(es), they can have an overview of what was covered.
The weekly outlines folder will also contain PowerPoints because these may be part of our weekly assignments.
Please note that while weekly outlines are the ideal scenerio for what we will do in class, they are not firm.
If I feel that students need more time on certain topics, there may be modifications on the outline. I will do my best to modify outlines quickly if this occurs.
Homework: Homework assignments will be posted in this folder weekly. A variety of assignments will be given this year, including:
book readings and questions, worksheets, writing assignments, pre-lab or post-lab questions, and projects
The homework folder will be updated weekly with these items, on Thursdays, along with pdf files for worksheets, in case students leave them
at school, or have missed class. Again, homework schedules are subject to modification, and I will work to keep these updated when this does occur.
Biology Resources: Here you will find some resources I think are useful or interesting for biology. We will utilize some of these resources
in class and for homework, including articles, online activities, and regents prep. Other resources are extras that I add for students interested in future
studies and careers in biology.
Videos: Biology is a unique branch of science, and it has many wonderful phenomena to be explored. That is why I think it is important
to give students the opportunities to visualize these remarkable events, even when we do not have physical access to them in a classroom.
In this folder you will find videos links that we will watch in class (dates provided on our weekly outlines), as well as other fun and helpful videos. Enjoy!
Citing APA: In this folder you will find a variety of links, tips, and other information about citing resources.
Typically scientific writing uses the American Psychological Association's (APA) format, when citing text or other works.
In my class students will be practicing using APA formatting when citing articles that they use in writing assignments.
Contacts and Forms: In this folder you will find my contact including email, school phone number, and 'office hours',
as well as the school's contact information. In addition, you will find copies of forms in this folder. These include a copy of my
safety contracts, as well as any permission slips for events or trips.
Class and School Policies: Each year the students and I discuess and come up with a classroom policy. These are rules that we
have created to have a comfortable and enjoyable space conducive to all for learning. In addition, a copy of the schools academic policy and code of
conduct are posted in this section as well.
Web Design Links: In this folder I will place the links to our semesters web design projects.